How to Report a Day Care Violation

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How to Report a Day Care Violation

How to report a day care violation

As parents, we place enormous trust in the employees of day care centers.  Most of the time, everything goes well.  However, there are times when something just doesn’t seem right.  Call it a parent’s intuition.  When this happens, you should listen to it.  This article explains how to report a day care violation.

Important Steps if You Suspect Day Care Center Abuse

Step 1:  Check your child for obvious signs of physical abuse.  You may find bruising, cuts or other signs of physical trauma.  Take pictures of this evidence.  Skin can and will heal.  You want to preserve this evidence.  Over time, the marks will heal and make it more difficult to substantiate your claim.

Step 2:  Contact the Cabinet for Human Services’ Office of Inspector General.  The phone number is (502) 564-7962.  This office will most likely pass the information to the Division of Regulated Child Care or the Department of Community Based Services.

Step 3:  If you feel your child was harmed, you should also contact an experienced attorney who has handled issues involving day care centers and/or child care facilities.  There are complicated regulations, licensure issues and other regulations that may be called into question.

What Happens When You Report a Day Care Violation?

In many circumstances, investigators will be visit the day care center.  An examination of records and interviews will help them to determine if a violation can be substantiated.  If it can’t, the child care facility will be allowed to continue operating.

If the situation is has placed a child in danger, the investigators can recommend an immediate suspension of the facility’s license.  This could lead to sanctions, fines and even the revoking of the license to operate.

If you have an attorney representing you, it may be possible to pursue damages against the facility, the owners/management and the individual staff members who were involved.  The goal is to not only hold them accountable for what they did to you child, but to prevent them from doing it to other children.  Keep in mind, your child may not be the first to be harmed at that facility.

We hope this information on how to report a day care violation is helpful.  Louisville attorney Kirsten Daniel has successfully sued a number of day care and child care facilities for various abuses, including those resulting in the death of a child.  Please feel free to visit our website and blog for additional information.

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